Give graciously to all the living, and withhold not kindness from the dead.
Sir 7:33
My Sisters and Brothers in Christ,
The beauty of the gift of burial is a profound ministry to those who mourn the loss of a loved one bringing forth the sacredness of the body in life, on this earth and eternally. In caring for the bodies of the deceased, we confirm our belief in the Resurrection. The burial of the dead honors the children of God, who are temples of the Holy Spirit.
This website will always be ‘under construction’ as our ministry abounds in God’s Word. It will bear the continuing opportunities to minister to those who have died and their families; to expound upon the dignity of the person as we care for the people of God entrusted to us until God welcomes them beyond our earthly capability; and to offer, through our Catholic Cemeteries of Central Florida, the beauty of the tomb as Jesus was lain in it and glorified in heaven.
May the Lord prosper the work of our hands.
Sincerely yours in Christ,
Most Reverend John Noonan
Bishop of Orlando